
Profiles ofSuccess


These MCPS graduates in successful careers all have one thing in common: they took career readiness courses that gave them an early edge through experience and education. 阅读和观看他们的故事.

Natasha Ghatak 1  

Natasha Ghatak

Occupation: Promontory Financial Group (IBM公司)合伙人

Education: 盖瑟斯堡高中(金融学院), 马里兰大学, 芝加哥大学布斯商学院

Read how MCPS gave Natasha Ghatak an early edge through education and experience.

你在金融行业工作. 你能解释一下你是做什么的吗?
My company works with banks and other financial institutions to help them follow the rules set by the government to ensure a safe and sound financial system. 我们有点像银行医生. 任何时候银行遇到麻烦,我们都会帮助他们. For example, 在洗钱的情况下, we help banks figure out who the bad guys are so that they don’t accidentally open accounts that might be funding illegal activities. 我目前的职位是业务拓展. 我寻找新的银行提供帮助. 阅读更多并观看视频

Harold Barber1  

Harold Barber

Occupation: Broad Acres的JoAnn Leleck小学校长

Education: Springbrook HS, Edison HS of Technology (Automotive Technologies) Frostburg State University, 鲍伊州立大学

Read how MCPS gave Harold Barber an early edge through education and experience.

你出身于教育世家. 你从很小的时候就知道你会从事教育事业吗?
No, I didn’t. 我大学时主修社会学,辅修西班牙语, 我想以某种身份与不同的人群合作. It wasn’t until my senior year when I gave a presentation that my friends suggested education. 换专业已经太晚了, so after graduation I started working with kids who were in foster care and group homes. I went back to school and earned my first master’s degree in special education. 阅读更多并观看视频

Asmina Shilpakar s

Ashmina Shilpakar

Occupation: Data manager and protocol Manager for clinical studies, The Emmes Corporation
Education: Wheaton HS (Biosciences Academy), University of Richmond, Johns Hopkins University

Read how MCPS gave Ashmina Shilpakar an early edge through education and experience.

你解剖过眼球, kidneys, 和猪研究老鼠的大脑, 都是在高中的时候. Was this by choice?
Most definitely! It was my decision to attend the Biosciences Academy at Wheaton High School. 我在尼泊尔长大,那里的医疗保健不是很好, 所以我一直对医学很感兴趣. 我要确保每个人都能获得高质量的医疗保健. 阅读更多并观看视频

Gil Cohen1

Gil Cohen

Occupation: 美国服务公司业主

Education: Einstein HS, Edison HS of Technology (Construction Technology), 蒙哥马利学院

Read how MCPS gave Gil Cohen an early edge through education and experience.

你拥有一家设计和建造公司. 这涉及到什么样的工作啊?
We do residential and commercial renovations and also build homes and businesses. Right now, we have 15 employees working on projects in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. 阅读更多并观看视频

Amy Wynant-video  

Amy Wynant

Occupation: 幼儿园老师,石磨ES


Read how MCPS gave Amy Wynant an early edge through education and experience.

你在你小时候就读的同一所学校教书. 你曾经想过你会回到原地吗?
I’ve always enjoyed working with kids and did a lot of babysitting and working at summer camps. 当我上高中的时候,我就知道我真的想成为一名老师. Wootton has a preschool on site so I signed up for the Early Child Development Program and learned all aspects of teaching. 大四的时候,我在——没错,石磨实习! After college when I applied for a job, there was an opening at the school and I was hired. 回来的感觉真好! 阅读更多并观看视频

Clifford B. Glover III

Occupation: Attorney

Education: 诺斯伍德高中政治学院, Advocacy, and Law), 马里兰大学东海岸分校, 马里兰大学法学院

阅读MCPS是如何给Clifford B的. 格洛弗三世通过教育和经验获得了早期的优势.

你想过成为一名公园管理员或警察局长. 你是怎么决定做律师的?
我上的是政治学院, Advocacy, 和洛在诺斯伍德, 这为我打开了一个全新的职业选择世界. 来自不同领域的律师会来我们班参观, and I had a big “aha” moment when we met the general counsel for a hotel chain. That’s when I learned that lawyers don’t necessarily spend all of their time in court on criminal matters. 阅读更多并观看视频

Oscar Revolorio 1

Oscar Revolorio

Occupation: 休斯网络系统安全工程师

Education: Northwest HS, 爱迪生技术学院(网络运营项目), 蒙哥马利学院, 马里兰大学学院

Read how MCPS gave Oscar Revolorio an early edge through education and experience.

You have a master’s degree in cybersecurity and work on protecting systems from hackers. 你什么时候知道这是适合你的职业?
长大后,我想成为一名医生或职业足球运动员. In my senior year of high school I had all of my credits so I enrolled in the Network Operations program at the Edison HS for technology. 我学到了很多关于计算机的知识,我渴望学到更多. 尽管我只参加了半天, 这是一次深刻的经历,为我今天的成就铺平了道路. 阅读更多并观看视频

Omari James 1  

Omari James

Occupation: 英语老师,惠特曼

Education: Sherwood HS(早期儿童发展项目),马里兰大学

Read how MCPS gave Omari James an early edge through education and experience.

长大后,我想成为一名电脑程序员或游戏设计师. I could have gone into either of those fields but I was inspired by my high school English teacher, Ms. Dibler. It was because of her that I developed a passion for literature and majored in English in college. The idea to teach came from an administrator that I bumped into when I went back to Sherwood for a visit. She knew I had been in the Early Child Development program when I was in the 11th grade and suggested the master’s program in secondary English at Maryland. I thought being a teacher was beyond what I could accomplish, and I was nervous that I’d be rejected. 当我被录取的时候,我很激动,很高兴我去了. 阅读更多并观看视频

Alex Stephanov

Alex Stepanov

Education: Wootton HS (Academy of Information Technology), 马里兰大学

Read how MCPS gave Alex Stepanov an early edge through education and experience.

这真是一个工作的好地方. We have kitchens on every floor with free drinks and snacks and free meals in our cafeteria. 我有灵活的工作时间,我们有所有最新的技术. 福利待遇很棒, but I think the biggest plus for me is knowing that the work I do can impact literally billions of people around the world. So for any problem I’m working on, I have to remember how to scale my work. I often have to step back and remind myself that I’m working for a company with a global reach unlike any other.  Read More

Logan Brooks

Logan Brooks

Education: Damascus HS (Automotive Technologies), Pennsylvania College of Technologyy

Read how MCPS gave Logan Brooks an early edge through education and experience.

I’m responsible for working directly with customers who are getting their cars serviced. I communicate the needs of the customer to the service department and also communicate any recommendations from that department to the customer. 我从2017年6月开始担任这个职位. Read More


Peggy Ioakim

职业:发型师,Karma by Erwin Gomez
Education: Springbrook HS, Edison HS of Technology (Cosmetology Program), 蒙哥马利学院

Read how MCPS gave Peggy Ioakim an early edge through education and experience.

你的客户名单里有克莱尔·丹尼斯, Jennifer Garner, Rosario Dawson, Ellen Page, Paris Hilton, 和美国费雷拉, among others. 和名人一起工作压力大吗?
Not really. They've all been phenomenal to work with and less picky than some of my regular clients! 我试着让每个人都感到亲切和温暖, and the celebrities I’ve worked with have all treated me with respect and like an old friend from high school. Read More